
What is included in your out-of-the-box platform?

CENTRL’s MSA360 platform is a one-stop solution for companies to assess Modern Slavery risk among their suppliers and in their internal operations.

What type of users is the MSA360 platform designed for?

The platform is highly intuitive an easy-to-use. Our typical users include professionals from Procurement, Compliance, Sustainability and Vendor Risk.

What kinds of workplace practices are considered to be modern slavery?

Australia’s Modern Slavery Act defines “modern slavery” to include human trafficking, slavery, servitude and more.

How does CENTRL ensure the safety and protection of our data?

CENTRL follows the most stringent security and risk measures to provide world class protection for customer data.

Are Modern Slavery questions included in MSA360?

Yes, a full set of supplier and supply chain related questions created by CENTRL experts are available in the platform.

Can I also use MSA360 for full third-party risk management?

CENTRL offers a full suite of third-party risk management products in addition to MSA360. Users who start with MSA360 can easily upgrade to our Vendor360 product.

Can I use MSA360 to do other types of assessments such as for ESG compliance?

Yes, you can conduct other types of assessments such as ESG assessments in the CENTRL platform.

I am looking for a complete solution to managing our modern slavery risk. Is MSA360 a software tool only or does it offer more?

MSA360 is a one-stop solution to help you manage your compliance with all aspects of the Modern Slavery act.

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